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What You Never Knew About Nairobi

Every country wants the world to see how beautiful they are and identify with them, pictures of skyscrapers, beautiful shopping malls and hotels, expensive lifestyle of the rich and how electrifying the streets and roads of the developed area can be at night, but we always forget that irrespective of how true all these are, every country has it's own slum where the poor reside, abandoned and forgotten by the government  as if they are not part of the said country, and this is the plight of most African countries.

Nairobi the capital of Kenya is one of Africa's most modern cities, a city tourists are thrilled by, all singing praises of it's beauty and development. Hardly do they know that there are people suffering and dying in neglect, total abandonment and abject poverty in a part of a city highly glorified. Such is the case of Dandora which is the poorest area in Nairobi. It is a pity what this area has turned into,
a dumping ground where the rich dispose their refuse, only for these inhabitants to scavenge for valuable items from their waste, sell them and be able to pay house rent, feed the children, pay school fees and obviously cover health insurance. This ghetto is where life started for some kids, growing to accept this as their fate and their only escape will be through education which obviously will be difficult for them to attain as their parents have limited resources to foresee this.
Can you imagine what this kids feel watching the television and seeing how the world portrays their country as one of the leading developed cities in Africa and yet here they are in abject poverty.
It's time to rise up Africa and speak against poor management, let's be the voice of the voiceless and together let's make Africa a better place.

photo credit: Mattia_eji     
What You Never Knew About Nairobi What You Never Knew About Nairobi Reviewed by Unknown on 07:50:00 Rating: 5

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