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Old School - Nigeria In The 80s

Throwback pictures of trending wears in the 80s in Nigeria.

There used to be a time when men wore trousers that covered their entire leg and shoes even to the extent of sweeping the floor, this trouser was popularly called the fela trouser, this was the trending wear for guys in the 80s compared to the type of trousers we wear today. Just like we wear to impress today, this outdated fashion also served the same purpose, these trousers at all times have a straight ironed line, which gives decency to its wearer... Looking back now those dressing may look funny but its still classic, male teachers wear a white pair of short with a white shirt with a suspenders with well polished black shoes to fit.

Just like the male, the female also wore similar attire, long skirt and white top with  suspenders. 

Just like we have trending haircuts today, from punk, lowcut, to normal afro, back then their is only one hairstyle which was full groomed afro. Not just men alone, females also go with this hairstyle...it's funny how this hairstyle gives fitting to all and sundry, should we try it now, can't imagine what we will look like in it. Some women equally braided their hair in a style known as simbi this hairstyle was done with rubber wool compared to the weavons and the wigs we have today.

Speaking of music, there were contemporary musicians who through music spoke to the world, either motivating, condemning, praising the government or speaking against the atrocities of men. Their music gave hope to the people, such legendary musicians includes Sunny Ade, Fela Kuti, Oliver de Coque , Bright Chimezie, Osita Osadebe and many more. Each of their music had deep meaning, their song became a mode of communication, as they sang in their native languages thereby breaching the gap between literates and illiterate while sending a message clearly understood by all. Then musicians were literally intellectuals, but now.... Hmm,  I think that's something for another day! 

Cars weren't so popular then as it could only be owned by the rich, most average men owned bicycles which was popularly known as Long John, the reason behind this name is what we are yet to figure out, ,maybe because of it's long nature and the first man that rode it was Mazi John -hahaha.
Others who can't afford any of these makes use of their legs to go places, the most cars driven then was the Volkswagen beetle which was known as tortoise because of its shape. During this period, those who owned cars were the ones enjoying the road as there was no traffic, travelling was fun, most car owners traveled at night for the fun of it. Note that there was less crime then, the world was safe.

 So what do you think? Were the times of old better than the present? Do you prefer the African reggae sweet music🎶 or the Hip Hop thingy that reigns among the youth nowadays? Do you prefer the simple lifestyle? I wouldn't dare to ask if you would prefer the old mode of dressing, come on! Out of fashion is out of fashion, no one wants to wear that.

Old School - Nigeria In The 80s Old School - Nigeria In The 80s Reviewed by Unknown on 10:00:00 Rating: 5

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