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Rhinoceros And Extinction In Africa

The Rhinoceros, popularly known as the rhino is from the class mammalia, phylum chordata, kingdom animalia. Once or current biology students would known where am going.... *giggles.
photo credit: standup4rhinos
They originate from Africa and Southern Asia. There are four major or popularly known species of the rhinoceros.
- The White Rhinoceros
- The Black Rhinoceros
- The Indian Rhinoceros  and
- The Javan Rhinoceros
In Africa, which is where we are concerned as you know, is where the black rhino and white rhino originate. Both of them are characterized by two horns unlike the other non-African species.
The Black rhinos are found in eastern and southern parts of Africa, in Bostwana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The major difference between these two is, the Black rhino has a pointed lip which is used to pick fruits from branches hence getting the name 'hook-lipped rhinoceros' while the White rhino has a wide lip for grazing on grasses.
fact to know; the white rhinoceros is actually grey.

Enough of all these already, danger alert! Rhinoceros are going extinct!
We conducted a little internet survey we discovered that there are some often asked questions on google concerning rhinos, these are the questions and our answers....
How many black rhinos are left in the world... Fewer than 2,500 initially in the 70's they were more than 65,000
Are rhinos endangered... I think we know the answer to that now, absolutely!
Why are black rhinos endangered... The increase in demand for rhino horns - rhino poaching.
photo credit : standup4rhino
Poaching is the illegal hunting or capturing of wildlife without obtaining the necessary permission from local or international laws.
Deforestation is to trees as poaching is to wild animals. In fact, animals being poached in Africa range from the Ethiopian wolf, Chimpanzees in Uganda, Rothschild Giraffes in Eastern Africa and a few others.
Am sure you never knew that 96 elephants are killed everyday in Africa. This inhumane act is becoming something else. Live and let them live!
Campaigns are going on in other to stop these endangered species like our friends in South Africa - StandUp4Rhinos would say, "Endangered means there is still time but Extinction is forever". In other words, time is still in our hands to act. God bless Africa,

Rhinoceros And Extinction In Africa Rhinoceros And Extinction In Africa Reviewed by Unknown on 19:04:00 Rating: 5

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