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African Proverbs

Proverbs are wise sayings. Africans are known to ‘spoil’ their speeches, write ups and what have you with proverbs. The Igbo nation would say “inu bu mmanu ndi Igbo gi eli okwu” which translates as
, “proverb is oil used in eating words”. Yam is taken as the king of all crops in the Igbo nation one of the favourite delicacies being yam and palm oil. That’s where the proverb is derived from to mean that words have no taste without proverbs.

Some proverbs cutting across the countries in the continent of Africa are as follows:

The one who throws the stone forgets but the one is hit remembers forever.
                                        Angolan Proverb
The owl is the wisest of all birds because the more it sees, the less it talks.
                                        Nigerian Proverb
The one who has been attacked by a buffalo is afraid when he sees a black cow.
                                         Kenyan Proverb
The person who has not traveled widely thinks his mother is the best cook.
                                        Gandan proverb  
The prince is never guilty in his father's court.
                                        Igbo Proverb

.Remember most proverbs don’t have a straightforward meaning, they require deep thoughts and understanding. Proverbs are not also explained once let out. Growing up, one would hear a proverb keep quite till one gets home to ask one’s mother.
African Proverbs African Proverbs Reviewed by Unknown on 13:48:00 Rating: 5

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