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Africa's Deadliest Snakes

 You may know the King Cobra, you may know the Coastal taipan or Anaconda but of cause you never knew that the most dangerous snake in the world is in Africa, the Black Mamba.

We therefore bring you the deadliest snakes in Africa.
1. Black Mamba (dendoaspispolylepis): 

 Black Mamba's are the
largest venomous snakes in Africa with adults reaching average height of 8 feet. The black mamba is not black at all but brown/olive in colour. The black mamba can strike up to 12 times in quick succession delivering enough neuro and cardio toxic venom to kill over a dozen men within an hour.
2. The Puff Adder: 

 This snake kills the most humans in Africa and it's known as the continent deadliest. Adder is only one meter in length but are extremely wide snakes the puff Adder has large fangs that releases a cytotoxic venom which attacks the body cells or tissues causing major inflammation and extreme pain.
3. The Boomslang: 

Found only in sub-saharan Africa, this snakes weapon is its venom which is haemotoxic meaning that it affects the body's natural blood clotting mechanism resulting in the bleeding of the internal organs. What complicates matters is that the venom is often slow in acting which makes victims underestimate the seriousness of the bite.

“Remember, the poisonous harms by touch or eating; the venomous harms by injecting venom but deadliest is the one with the highest killer instinct. Just thought you should know that”

4. The Egytian cobra: 

As the name suggests this aggressive snake is most commonly found in Egypt. Legend has it that Cleopatra used the venom of this snake to commit suicide. The glands of this snake are found behind its eyes and they produce a deadly neurotoxin just like the mamba that is released through its fangs. The neurotoxin attacks the central nervous system and causes paralysis and respiratory failure the speed and effectiveness of the toxin is unmatched and can kill within ten mintutes.
5. The Cape cobra (Naja nivea): 

The Cape cobra is endemic to southern Africa and it's notoriously irritable and aggressive. When disturbed the cobra famously raises. It strikes without hesitation with its neurotoxic venom. If the threat remains motionless the snake will quickly attempt to escape but on any sign of movement, adopt s its defensive posture again. The venom can kill within 60 minutes.
6. The Gaboon viper: 

 Found in rainforest and savannas of Sub-Sahara Africa this snakes makes the list of having the longest fangs (up to 12 inches) and the highest venom yield of any venomous snake. This one of the heaviest snakes in the world, weighing up to 10kg. It's very good in ambush, it can easily camouflage, blending in easily with leaf cover and surrounding vegetation.

7. The Mozambican spitting cobra (naja mossambica):Hmmm weird name right? 

This is definitely one of the Africa's most feared snake after the black mamba. When needed it can elevate as much as two thirds of its total body length and has been known to simulate death to avoid further attack. As the name suggests the snake "spits" it's neurotoxic venom up to 3 meters (8feet) away with pinpoint accuracy if it mange to hut you in the eye permanent blindness can occur. 

Ah! That's a wrap... Mother Africa is beautiful, don't you think so?  

Africa's Deadliest Snakes Africa's Deadliest Snakes Reviewed by Unknown on 19:49:00 Rating: 5


  1. Wow, nice and beautiful snakes Africa is blessed indeed snakes are fine

  2. Beautiful? Nah, I'll pass, but interesting piece though.


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