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You may not have known that there are amazing cities that once existed which are now submerged under the water. 
One of these cities includes Port Royal Jamaica.
Port Royal, once called the most wicked and sinful city in the world, was known for its parties and pirate activities,
until June 1692 when a massive 7.5 earthquake consumed the city with 2 tons of it sinking into the sea, killing more than 2,000 of it's inhabitants.
It was believed that this event was punishment for all of their sins within. Port Royal has continued to sink with much of it sitting 40 feet below the ocean surface. Many 17th century building are still intact and undisturbed, and it has been compared to Pompey because of it's archaeological wonders. 

Another amazing city found under water is the Lake of Titicaca.
Lake Titicaca is located in the Andes between Bolivia and Peru, it
is the largest fresh water lake in South America and has the cradle of Peru's ancient civilization including the Inca. Their presence can be seen in Lake Titicaca by the ruins they left behind including a mysterious underwater temple thought to be 1,000 and 1,500 years old. Archaeologists located a huge temple in 2000 after following a submerged road. After 18 days of diving below the clear waters of lake Titicaca, scientists said that they have discovered a 660 foot long, 160 foot wide temple, gold and statues. It is said the lost city was covered with sediment during a great flood of biblical proportion and local people have passed on the story of the underwater temple from generation to generation. 

Another submerged city is Pavlopetri Greece. No one knows the real name of this city because it sank into the water around 5000 years ago. Pavlopetri is modern name for the land where the ruins are submerged about 4 meters under water. It claims to be the
oldest submerged city in the world. The city is incredibly well designed with roads, 2 story houses with gardens, temples, a cemetery and a complex water management system. The city is so old that it existed in a period that famed ancient Greek epic poem, the Iliad was setting. Historians thinks that Pavlopetri might have been destroyed by an earthquake.

These are the few we got, but we believe there are still more submerged cities of the ancient time. Keep in touch with us for more update... 
AMAZING LOST CITIES.                                             AMAZING LOST CITIES. Reviewed by Unknown on 13:12:00 Rating: 5

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