"The Victoria falls!’ Who knows what to make out of this?Journey with me to this enchanting place as I give you
details of how wonderful a place Victoria falls is! It's located in Africa!, our very own Africa!Victoria falls is also known as "Mosi-oa-tunya'' (The smoke that thunders-this name is given to it as a result of the fall of water over the edge and the thunderous noise it makes on getting to the ground) ,It runs across Zambia and Zimbabwe. it is positioned almost halfway along the well known Zambezi River's 2700km journey from its source to the sea. It goes headlong into a 100m chasm spanning the full one-and-a-half km width of the river, creating the biggest curtain of falling water in the world and also one of the 'seven natural wonders of the world (Hehehe, American wonder or rather African wonder!)In November 1855 Dr David Livingstone was transported in a canoe by the local makololo people to the very edge of this falls, He named it after Victoria, his British Queen.Victoria falls is about 1700m wide and varies on height from 80-108meters. It’s one and a half time wider than Niagara Falls and is twice the height, making it the biggest curtain of water in the world. Around mid April, the peak floss waters occur. About 625 million liters of water flow over the edge per minute. This huge volume of water produces a spray that rises up to 1650 feet into the air. (Amazing!)Formation of The falls, it was originally 8km downstream from the current day falls. Weaknesses in the basalt rock perpendicular to the river's flow, plus 2 million years of erosion have resulted in the river cutting through seven subsequent gorges, zigzagging upstream from the previous one.Victoria falls rainforest as it has become known, is an area of dense woodland vegetation, supported and nourished by the constant spray from the waterfalls. Although in ecological terms it is not a true rainforest, it formed the unique ecosystem due to the rainfall 24/7.

This fall was there before the arrival of Dr David Livingstone, various local tribes had been living here for years. The town of Victoria falls originally became established as a trading post called Old Drift on the Zambian side of the river where they used to cross the Zambezi; it was moved to the current day location of Livingstone in around 1900.It is the mighty Zambezi River that flows over the Victoria Falls. The Zambezi River is over 1650 miles long and is Africa's 4th largest river and is the only one that flows east into the Indian Ocean.Cecil John Rhodes had a vision of a railway line from the cape to Cairo; part of this required a bridge to be built over the Zambezi gorge. This was completed in 1905 sadly after his death. This railway line now made it possible for large number of tourists to visit the town.The lunar rainbow occurs for three days in each month generally from January through to around October. (A wonderful sight not to be missed!). The lunar happens when the water level in the Zambezi River is high enough to cause heavy spray to blend really well with the moon rays. (Now this is nature)The falls has different gorges -The first gorge: the one of the river falls into at Victoria fallsThe second gorge: spanned by the Victoria falls bridge, 250m south of falls 2.15km long (270yd south, 2350yd long).The third gorge: 600m south, 1.95km long (650yd south, 2100yd long) containing the Victoria Falls power station.The Fourth gorge: 1.15km south, 2.25km long ( 1256yd south, 2460yd long)The fifth gorge: 2.55km south, 3.2km long (1.5mi south, 2mi (3.2km) long)The Songwe gorge: 5.3km south, 3.3km long, (3.3mi south, 2 no (3.2 km) long) named after the small Songwe river coming from the north -east and the deepest at 140m(460ft),the level of the river in them varies by up to 20meters (65ft) between wet and dry season.Who concurs with me that Africa has got it! Africa rocks! Victoria falls rocks!Zambia and Zimbabwe rocks!
Hehehe, please anybody that wants to go for a tour should please be nice enough to make bookings for two!! Lol
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